Registration Form
Course Summary
This course is a basic introduction to electronics test equipment. You will learn how to use the basic features of the following test equipment:
- DC Power supplies
- Digital Multimeters
- Digital Oscilloscopes
- Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators
During this course you will learn what each type is used for, and how to connect type to a test component or circuit under test. Please note that class has a maximum of 4 students and must have a minimum of 2 students registered for the class to be held.
If the class is full and you are still interested, please add yourself to the waiting list. We will try to schedule another course as soon as possible.
Session (1 pm - 4 pm, November 19, 2024)
- Electronics Safety
- Introduction to:
- Power Supplies
- Digital Multimeters
- Oscilloscopes
- Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- How to connect each type of test equipment
- Where to use each type of test equipment
- Practice with each type of instrument
Course Requirements: None
Course Cost: $150 per student (Chemistry)
Terms: In order to guarantee your spot in the course, you must pay the course cost within 1 week of registration. Refunds are not issued. It is important that you attend all scheduled sessions in the sequence they are offered. Make-up classes are only offered at the discretion of the workshop instructor.
Location (Building Map)
McLennan Physical Laboratories
Electronic Support Services, Room 072
University of Toronto
60 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1A7